Sunday, May 31, 2009

Concerts and Meat

Last night Greg and I went to a concert here in Gijon. Philip Glass is a minimalist modernist composer. What in the world does that mean? I had no idea, but apparently he writes symphonic type music but it's only played with a few instruments. Last night there was a piano, cello, and percussion. I didn't know what I was in for, but it was awesome. The cellist was fantastic! And her arms looked amazing I think I might have to start playing a pretend cello or something. It was cool to have an American do a concert here, and even better he talked in English... =)
After the concert we went out to dinner (we had reservations at 10:30... they eat so late!) at a restaurant that used to be a sidra factory (sidra is the famous cider from Asturias). We always joke about how all of the food here is "digestive." They eat so much of that Activia yogurt and fiber cookies, but it's because they don't eat vegetables. We ordered a Parrillada, which is a big platter of meat grilled together over the fire. Es muy deliciosa! There was sausage, pork ribs, beef ribs, ham, steak... oh it was so good!! The picture below isn't the Parrillada that we ate, but it's a good example of one. And then I had flan for dessert.. yum. It was a very Spanish evening, Greg and I didn't get home until 1:30, and I was lucky enough to translate the sermon at church today.. needless to say it didn't make much sense, I don't function so well without a lot of sleep. =)

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Lola loves cows

On our hike this past Wednesday we encountered lots of livestock. My dogs and their best friend Barley (a beagle) decided it is their responsibility to protect us from these weird looking creatures. Unfortunately I didn't have my camera... but if you can just imagine a trail that is so muddy your feet sink into the ground and that gross sucking sound as you try to pull your boots out, that was our wonderful walk....and to be honest, I'm not sure if it was just mud. Gross. Not to mention falling into some bramble-I've got battle scars. But anyway, the best part was while we're walking along we hear some hooves start pounding the ground and see 3 cows bolting across their field and a teeny tiny Lola chasing them. It was awesome.
goats on the mountain
a beautiful waterfall
Greg had off work yesterday, so we went hiking on a different route. And even in the car Lola could sense there were cows, she watched out the window for the entire hour checking to see if there were any cows. It was a beautiful hike, we were walking in a gorge and the rock overhangs were dripping water, there were waterfalls, and we even saw some goats running along the mountain side. We had to leash Lola when we were close to some fields that were filled with cows and their adorable babies, but that didn't stop her from dreaming about chasing them, it was awesome.
isn't she adorable?