Thursday, January 7, 2010


Wallpaper?  It's ridiculous... I mean I guess if you're into ridiculous flower prints and intricate pictures, it's the only option.  But who designed it so it would be SO incredibly difficult to remove?  A friend of mine wanted to take down the wallpaper that the builder put up in the bathroom, so I asked my father-in-law about how to do it when we went to St. Louis, and I asked my mom... both warned me that it's harder than it looks.. but I was sure it couldn't be so bad.  I was wrong.

We went to the home improvement store to buy the right materials (Diff, a scraper, and a little wall scourer thing that puts little holes in the wallpaper).  Well our first mistake was forgetting to buy the little scourer thing.  So, Chelsey had to run back out (and I got to play with her super adorable baby, Mady).

But eventually we got to work, and my arm is still tired!  Just kidding, but seriously, it was really hard, and one of the walls was so stubborn, it was insane, like it was part of the structural integrity of the house or something.  We finished 3 of the 4 walls in a couple of hours, and had to leave the fourth wall (they were going to have to remove the mirror, etc).  I guess we're just lucky we didn't put any gouges in the wall.

this wall was my arch enemy...

Overall, it was fun to spend the afternoon with a friend, but it was slimier and harder than I thought it would be, I can't imagine having to do a whole room.  But I do know that I will NEVER put up wall paper.
the almost finished product, i was so proud

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